At Sanctuary, we believe that a true home is much more than just a house, or an apartment to live in. But a safe place to hang your hat is still an important aspect of home!
Since day one, we’ve always dreamed about providing affordable and sustainable housing for those of our community who need it the most. In Sanctuary’s sixth year, this finally became a reality. Sanctuary has been donated the use of a semi-detached house in downtown London with two units and four bedrooms each. One side for men and one side for ladies.
So what does this look like? Our hope is that these will not simply become “rooms for rent”. These houses are to be true homes, with a family-style set up and feel. There will be shared living areas, and the family members will work together to cook and clean. While these houses are not staffed, each house will have a facilitator from the Sanctuary staff. These staff will facilitate monthly house meetings and make themselves available as much as possible to help cultivate a healthy and loving environment where each member is safe and feeling supported. Each family member will also covenant to meet regularly with a personal mentor.
The Sanctuary Homes are also not intended to be halfway houses. Permanence is an extremely important aspect of home, and therefore, as long as the family continues to be a good fit with one another and there are no other issues, we have every intention of allowing these family units to stay together for as long as they themselves would like.
With that being said, from time to time a spot may open up in one of the houses. If you are interested in joining one of these family homes, or if you would like to partner with Sanctuary in opening up another community house, please talk to any one of our staff.
Four people.
One house.
Becoming one family.
Finding HOME. Together.