This is an invitation to join our community. That will look different for each of you but allow us to share a number of ways you can play a role with us.
Come join us!
Hear more from Darryl or Gil: We'd be happy to visit your home, church, or small group to share what we're doing. We're comfortable in any setting ranging from a formal sermon outlining God's heart for the impoverished to a one-to-one visit over coffee.
Come downtown London for a walk: This is an amazing experience inside the world we walk every day. For an hour and a half, we walk with you downtown London seeing the city through the eyes of the impoverished. Often accompanied by one of our friends from street level, we discuss, share, and hear your thoughts about poverty and a healthy, healing response (limit 7-8 people per walk).
Join us for a week long “mission” experience: Bring a group or a few friends to join our community for a week, stay for worship, walk with us, meet our friends, and immerse yourself in our order to take back a response to your city. This summer, we already have 2 groups lined up to visit. Call or email us if this interests you.
Join us at one of our Weekly Programs: Anyone is welcome to attend these events.
- For anyone looking for community service hours, please contact one of our staff members. For minors, this form must be filled out by a parent or guardian.
Support us: We are a people of need working among a people in need. We need assistance, guidance, strength, endurance, and love. We find much of that within the community of friends downtown...but some of the time, we find our selves in want.
Prayerfully: Please pray for us and for our friends on the streets. Take us out for a cup of coffee to hear more about specific prayer requests.
Special Needs Items: There are a number of specific items that we are constantly using at all of our drop-ins and therefore need on an ongoing basis. This is the list of things we can never get enough of:
Grocery Store Vouchers/Gift Cards
New Socks
Cans of Tuna
Hot Chocolate
Homemade Baked Goodies
Sleeping Bags
Bus Tickets
Jars of Pickles
SuperBucks Coupons from The Real Canadian Superstore
Canadian Tire Money
Financially: Visit our Donations Page to learn more about how you can support us with a one-time or monthly financial gift.