Worship With Us!

At the core of Sanctuary, we are a worshipping community. To keep in touch with our weekly Sunday worship announcements and conversation, please visit our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE.

The term ‘Worship” comes from the old English word weordhscipe which means “to give worth to” or “to make worthy“.  Essentially, everything we do in life and on a daily basis is worship… giving worth to something.  It’s easy to measure what we give worth to by simply looking at how we spend our time and money.  If we spend too much time in front of the television, then we are truly worshipping it.  If we spend too much money on our house or car, then we are worshipping that as well.  However, humanity was created for the purpose of worshipping our Creator.  Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (NIV)”

At Sanctuary, we believe that worshipping our Creator is the most intimate and important act that we can do together as a community.  True worship is the place where we are most vulnerable with one another and with God.  We believe that everything we do in life can and should be an act of worship to God!  As human beings, we communicate everything through symbols.  Language itself is the complex organization of symbols.  Therefore, even though we recognize that hanging out at drop-ins, and meeting people on the street are all ways that we worship God, we find it important to reserve a few hours each week for a slightly more formal time of “worship” together.  This is an opportunity for all of us to gather around the Lord’s Table to symbolically recognize and proclaim that everything we do throughout the week is in fact worshipping God.

That is why we gather together on Sunday evenings from 5:30-6:45pm at 513 Talbot Street in the beautiful atrium.  Doors actually open at 4:00pm with coffee, juice and snacks available.  At 5:30, we sit in a circle facing one another, recognizing that we are all, every one of us, equal in God’s sight, with Christ at the center.  After opening in prayer, we begin with a time of open sharing.  Everyone is invited to share a prayer, a passage of scripture, something significant that happened in the past week, or to request a song, which will be played by our growing team of musicians.  Every week we have a short teaching time, and we close with the celebration of communion, in which we, the priesthood of all believers, pass around the bread and the cup to one another as we remember Christ calling us to take up our cross and follow Him.

Most weeks we invite everyone to stay after the service for an extended time of fellowship and celebration as we play games, eat food, and continue to discuss the ideas presented in the time of teaching, trying to work out how they fit in our day-to-day lives.

Please visit our Sanctuary Worshipping Community Facebook Page to view and participate in our ongoing weekly discussion of what we will be sharing about each week!

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